Earthkind Roses
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‘Belinda’s Dream’, soft pink, shrub
‘Caldwell Pink’, lilac pink, polyantha,3
‘Climbing Pinkie’, rose pink, climber, 8
‘Mutabilis’, yellow/red/orange (all three bloom colors appear on the same plant),China, 4
‘Duchesse de Brabant’, rose pink, shrub, 4
‘Else Poulsen’, bright pink, floribund
‘Katy Road Pink’ also known as ‘Carefree Beauty’, medium pink, shrub,4

Double Knockout Landscaping Rose
‘Knock out’®, cherry red, shrub,3
‘Marie Daly’, medium pink, polyantha,3
‘Perle d’Or’, golden yellow and pink blend, polyantha, 3
‘Sea Foam’, creamy white, shrub, 2
‘Spice’, blush pink, China, 3

Fairy Miniature Rose
‘The Fairy’, light pink, polyantha, 2
Earth Kind Roses™:
Are not sprayed with or for anything
Do not require pruning or deadheading
No fertilizer of any kind is needed
And, minimum irrigation is utilized
In clay soils of any color to create an Earth Kind™ growing condition in the native soils blend 3” of expanded shale and 3” of plant derived finished compost with the soil 1” per pass with a tiller. After the amendments are blended with the soil crown the bed 6 – 9” in the center and taper to the bed edges.
In sandy soils don’t use expanded shale, do increase the compost from 3” to 6” and complete bed development as described for clay soils. Install selected plants with the root ball top level or slightly above the bed grade and water thoroughly. Drip irrigation is highly recommended as the water delivery system and if utilized now is the time to install. After the drip irrigation system is installed mulch the entire bed (covering the irrigation system) 3 – 4” deep with organic mulch. Shredded tree trimmings, hardwood or pine will all work for this application.
Water Wise and Earth Kind™ Landscape Demonstration garden, 2311 Joe Field Rd., Dallas, 75229,
The State Fair of Texas grounds directly across from the Exposition building and
The City of Addison’s public park in the 8900 block of Beltway.